About Salta

Who Is Salta?

We are an affiliate company of Atlas Senior Living, led by leaders in the industries of banking and senior housing.

Making Profit in a Changing Landscape

Despite extreme economic changes, senior living continues to grow and attract significant investor interest in the commercial real estate space. This continuous growth is just one of the many reasons senior housing has consistently received greater and greater attention from investors. In addition, as medicine and healthcare industries continue to advance, so too does our life expectancy, highlighting the growing demand for middle-market and upscale senior living properties.

Meet the Leaders Behind Salta

Scott Goldberg Salta Capital

Scott Goldberg

President and CEO
Salta Capital | Wyman Hamilton

Wyman Hamilton

Salta Capital | Layne Held

Layne Held

Principal & Chief Investment Officer
Salta Capital | Billy Orgel

William "Billy" Orgel

Salta Capital | Carol Brinegar

Carol Brinegar

Executive Vice President of Construction and Design
Salta Capital | Kelse Henderson

Kelse Henderson

Chief Financial Officer
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